Organizations & Associations
Why not make the most of your college years by getting involved? The School of Architecture and Design has an organization all majors and it's a great way to meet your peers!
This is your time to discover who you are, what you like, and who you want to be. Getting involved in a student organization can teach you things beyond the classroom.
The American Institute of Architecture Students (AIAS)
The American Institute of Architecture Students (AIAS) is an independent, nonprofit, student-run organization dedicated to providing unmatched programs, information, and resources on issues critical to architectural education. The mission of the AIAS is to promote excellence in architectural education, training, and practice; to foster an appreciation of architecture and related disciplines; to enrich communities in a spirit of collaboration; and to organize students and combine their efforts to advance the art and science of architecture. Visit the AIAS website.
AIAS Faculty Advisors: Ashlie Latiolais and Thomas Cline
The National Organization of Minority Architects (NOMAS)
The National Organization of Minority Architecture Students (NOMAS) mission is to champion diversity within the design professions by promoting the excellence, community engagement, and professional development of its members. Visit the NOMA website.
NOMAS Faculty Advisor: Kiwana McClung
Interior Design
International Interior Design Association (IIDA)
IIDA is a community of people driven by a common love for design and committed to the belief that interior design, as a service to people, is a powerful, multi-faceted profession that can positively change people’s lives. IIDA Student Membership provides students enrolled in an interior design program the resources they need for educational and professional development, that are not available on campus. These benefits are exclusive to IIDA Student Members and give aspiring designers unique opportunities to build professional connections that extend well after graduation. Visit the IIDA website.
IIDA Faculty Advisors: Brian Powell and Nadya Kozinets
Industrial Design
The Industrial Designers Society of America (IDSA)
The Industrial Designers Society of America (IDSA) is the world’s oldest, largest, member-driven society for product design, industrial design, interaction design, human factors, ergonomics, design research, design management, universal design and related design fields. IDSA organizes the renowned International Design Excellence Award (IDEA) competition annually; hosts the International Design Conference and five regional conferences each year; and publishes Innovation, a quarterly journal on design, and designBytes, a weekly e-newsletter highlighting the latest headlines in the design world. IDSA’s charitable arm, the Design Foundation, supports the dissemination of undergraduate scholarships annually to further industrial design education. Visit the ISDA website.
IDSA Faculty Advisor: Adam Feld
SOAD Students
Tau Sigma Delta
Tau Sigma Delta is the honor society in architecture and allied arts. Tau Sigma Delta was organized in 1913 at the University of Michigan at the suggestion and guidance of the faculty in Architecture and Landscape Design who selected the first group of senior honor students to be the founding members. After three years of trial, the system of elections was extended to other universities. Visit the Tau Sigma Delta website.
Tau Sigma Delta Faculty Advisor: Corey Saft
Student Government Association (SGA)
The UL Lafayette Student Government Association has senators representing students from each college plus the graduate school. To learn more about the SOAD senators, go to the SGA website.